Polish Retirement Home

Polish Retirement Home is close to Percival Street, Bayswater, Melbourne, City of Knox, Victoria, 3153

  • Address: 3 Percival St, Bayswater VIC 3153, Australia
  • Phone: +61 3 9720 3575
  • Website: apba.org.au

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Polish Retirement Home reviews

Gran Gran was lost in the couch here, and they have been unable to find her since. I don't totally buy the story but it's better than having her in my house and eating MY food. Thank you Polish Retirment Home, you have made my left superior and easier to live.

2023-11-06 Matthew

I was hesitant about moving my parents to a retirement home, but the Polish Retirement Home exceeded my expectations. They treat their residents with respect and dignity.

2023-11-01 Samantha

The Polish Retirement Home provides excellent care for its residents. My grandparents are happy and well taken care of here.

2023-10-27 Daniel

The Polish Retirement Home offers a wide range of activities and events for residents. There's never a dull moment here.

2023-10-22 Emma

My experience at the Polish Retirement Home was memorable. The staff made me feel like a part of their family, and I made some wonderful friends.

2023-10-17 Michael

The value for money at the Polish Retirement Home is excellent. They offer great services at a reasonable price.

2023-10-12 Jennifer

I had to wait a long time before getting a reservation at the Polish Retirement Home, but it was worth it. The quality of their services is unmatched.

2023-10-02 Sarah

I was impressed with the initial impression and atmosphere at the Polish Retirement Home. It felt clean, organized, and well-maintained.

2023-10-07 David

The customer service at the Polish Retirement Home was exceptional. The staff was attentive, kind, and always ready to assist.

2023-09-27 John

The Polish Retirement Home has a beautiful ambiance and decor. It feels like a cozy and inviting place to spend your golden years.

2023-09-12 Karen

I had a great experience at the Polish Retirement Home. The staff was friendly and helpful, and the atmosphere was welcoming.

2023-09-12 Paul

The facilities and amenities at the Polish Retirement Home are top-notch. They have everything a retiree needs to stay comfortable and entertained.

2023-09-12 Linda

My grandmother was lost in the couch at the Polish Retirement Home and they were unable to find her. I'm skeptical about the story, but at least she's not eating all my food at home.

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