McGregor Gourlay

McGregor Gourlay is close to Ring Street, Ross Hill, Inverell, Inverell Shire Council, New South Wales, 2360

  • Address: 73 Ring St, Inverell NSW 2360, Australia
  • Phone: +61 2 6721 6100
  • Website:

McGregor Gourlay, opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Monday 8 AM 5 PM for the week
Tuesday 8 AM 5 PM
Wednesday 8 AM 5 PM
Thursday 8 AM 5 PM
Friday 8 AM 5 PM
Saturday 8 AM 12 PM
McGregor Gourlay reviews

Decent prices, we buy feed and pasture related stuff from there, great service, and always happy to load your vehicle for you.

Always helpful. Know their stuff. Nothing a problem!

Great people and great service. Went well beyond for the customer than what they had to. Certainly recommend them as well as use their services in the future

2023-09-06 Trevor

Decent prices, we buy feed and pasture related stuff from there.

2023-09-06 Sarah

Great service, always happy to load your vehicle for you.

2023-09-06 John

Always helpful. Know their stuff. Nothing is a problem.

2023-09-21 Emma

Great people and great service. Went well beyond for the customer than what they had to. Certainly recommend them as well as use their services in the future.

2023-09-26 Lisa

Good quality products and services.

2023-10-01 Michael

Wait time is usually short and reservations are handled efficiently.

2023-10-06 Jessica

Value for money is great. Prices are reasonable for the service provided.

2023-10-11 Ryan

The ambiance and decor are nice. It has a welcoming atmosphere.

2023-10-16 Sophie

The initial impression and atmosphere are positive. The staff is friendly and helpful.

2023-10-21 Daniel

The facilities and amenities are sufficient for our needs.

2023-10-26 Olivia

Customer service and staff are excellent. They go above and beyond.

2023-10-31 Matthew

Overall experience with McGregor Gourlay Agricultural service has been great. They are reliable and provide quality products and services.

How would you rate your experience? McGregor Gourlay?
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