Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre (Bexley Aquatic)

Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre (Bexley Aquatic) is close to Prime Ministers Walk, Bexley, St George, Sydney, Bayside Council, New South Wales, 2207

  • Address: 98C Preddys Rd, Bexley North NSW 2207, Australia
  • Phone: +61 2 9150 5288
  • Website:

Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre (Bexley Aquatic), opening hours today

Day of week Open Close
Sunday 6 AM 8 PM
Monday 5:30 AM 9 PM
Tuesday 5:30 AM 9 PM
Wednesday 5:30 AM 9 PM for the week
Thursday 5:30 AM 9 PM
Friday 5:30 AM 9 PM
Saturday 6 AM 8 PM
Angelo Anestis Aquatic Centre (Bexley Aquatic) reviews

Really nice swimming complex. Outdoor pool is fabulous in summer, with plenty of shade and grassy areas, the water is fantastically clean and change room/shower facilities are really good too. Still good in winter too, water is warm inside …

A great place to swim with an option to exercise indoor and outdoor. Afternoons are pretty busy with so many students training. I enjoy my sessions around early afternoon when you get to train with no pressure. Early mornings are pretty busy as well..

Centre is looking good with the paint and clean up. Indoor pool has lovely temp and based on post swim swimmers, less chlorine. Best thing is the cafe, had lunch from there today and was delicious ???? …

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